Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Tuhinga Mahorahora

Kei te oma te pea pango
The black bear is runing
Kei te mahi a hoiho
The penguin is working     
Kei te menemene a Sally
Sally is smilling
Kei ta kaukau a hoiho kahurangi
The blue penguin is swimming
Kei te moi a lucy I te kura
Lucy is sleeping

Monday, 9 June 2014

                                     cross coutry

Bang” I fell to the ground getting a face full of mud. I push myself off the ground and start running despite the hideous pain in my legs. Thump I fall to ground again and cover my already dirty t shirt in mud. I get up and look to my right to see a group of kids sprint pass me splattering me with mud and taking the idea of coming first out of my mind. I look to my left to see a flock of birds fly out of a nearby tree as a tsunami of kid’s race past. Finally I spot the finish line I run past it finding I came 15th as I lay on the ground trying to catch my breath and hope that the worst is over. 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Ko Tawa Tidswell - Groot toku Ingoa.
Ko Jon\Theo oku Koroua.
 Ko Tainui te Waka.
 Ko Juju\ oma oku Kuia.
Ko Maungatapu te Maunga.
Ko Maitahi te Awa.
Ko Ngati Koata te Iwi.
Ko Ngati Kuia te Hapu.
Ko Whakatu te Marae.
I te taha o toku papa no Aotearoa oku tupuna.
I te taha o toku mama no Holland oku tupuna.